About the project

Funding Programme: ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PEX-TEACH-ACA — Partnership for Excellence – Erasmus+ Teacher Academies
Budget: 1.452.536,76 euro, Funding(80%) : 1.162.029,40 euro

It is widely accepted and documented through studies and references that school students lack competences and skills at the completion of the cycle of their school studies. As one of the key factors that can develop competences and skills in school students, especially in grades 6-12, is the known multidiscipline and mutliscience project based learning activity. In the last 15 years we have seen the development from STEM to STEAM and now to STEAME (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and Entrepreneurship) becoming the subject set that through project based learning activity of school students, is considered the kinetic energy for producing the creators and innovators of the future. The catalyst in making this a reality are the subject teachers in service and the future student teachers through their initial training at the university level. This project will develop a model through a STEAME Teacher Facilitators Academies networked through a European Federation of such Academies at the local level, which will support the change to the future schools with main actors the teacher facilitators as the future professionals and experts of learning change and facilitators of competence and skills development in youth.

The STEAME Teacher Facilitators Academies will support the training of service teachers and the training of student teachers. At certain stage the service teachers will serve as mentors of the student teachers throughout a European mobility based system. This will create a networking between school education and university education and possibly industry, working together as co-creators for the sustainable development between teacher education providers with impact on the quality of education in Europe. This will support the continuous professional development of future teachers and lay the ground for the future schools of STEAME project based learning environments for students.

The main innovations to be delivered by this project are:
1. STEAME Teacher Facilitators Competence Framework for student and serving teachers
2. STEAME Teacher Facilitators Learning Modules/Workshops
3. International Sharing Observatory for STEAME Learning Facilitators
4. Development of the STEAME Facilitators Community of Practice/Mentoring and Certification Programme
5. Policy Recommendations – European Federation of STEAME Teacher Facilitators Academies

Most of the above are based on experiences and innovations from 16 completed or running projects, mainly school education projects under ERASMUS+ KA2. In the partnership of this project there is at least one partner from each one of these 16 projects, who will share the experience and innovations created utilizing them in making the 5 innovations listed here above a quality innovation for serving the continuous professional development of teachers. This will also enhance the European Dimension and internationalization of teachers, facilitating the European wide mentoring to support mobility of teachers and place teachers in the path to Education 3.0 and 4.0, all for producing the creators of the future.

Latest News

October 2, 2024 – Award Ceremony in Cyprus

Award ceremony for the first STEAME Teacher Facilitators Certification in Cyprus in the form of Micro-credential. The certification will be awarded to 32 teachers who followed and completed the piloting certification programme from February to June 2024.

The award ceremony will be held on October 2, 2024, in Cyprus.

Under the patronage of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport of Cyprus, Dr Athina Michaelidou.


September 16, 2024 – Invitation to the STEAME TEACHER ACADEMY Second European Workshop and Round Table Event in Bucharest, on 16 and 17 January 2025

The STEAME Academy project is organizing its Second European Workshop and Round Table Event on 16 and 17 January 2025, in Bucharest, Romania. This is a unique opportunity for educators and researchers to explore innovations in STEAME Project-Based Learning through engaging workshops and discussions.
Teachers or researchers interested in participating are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
Co-funding is available for participants travelling from at least 100 km away.
STEAME-ACADEMY training certificates will be given to all participants.
More information can be found HERE.
You can register HERE.

July 2024 – Successful Completion of the First piloting STEAME Teacher Facilitators Micro-credential Certification Programme in Cyprus

In July 2024, the first piloting STEAME Teacher Facilitators Micro-credential Certification Programme, a 25-hour training, was completed with the implementation of the STEAME Project-Based Learning (PBL) to students of ages 9-16.

A total of 32 educators completed the training and applied their Learning & Creativity (L&C) plans during the “Mathematics and STEAME” Summer School 2024, organized by the Cyprus Mathematical Society in Cyprus.

The certification programme was a collaboration among four partners of the STEAME ACADEMY project. The Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, the Cyprus Mathematical Society, the European Association of Career Guidance and the University of National Education Commission of Poland.

It was held under the patronage of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sport of Cyprus, Dr Athina Michaelidou.